Episode 120
October 31, 2022
Shaking It and Waiting for the Horrors to Come
MST3K 817 • The Horror of Party Beach
Hosted by Chris Piuma and Charlotte Wells
Happy Halloween! The Horror of Party Beach emerges from the beach to interrupt Chris and Charlotte as they discuss beach parties, Broadway shows, ballads, body hair, and BOO!
[Did we scare you?]
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-120-horror-of-party-beach.png)
Show Notes.
The Horror of Party Beach: IMDb. MST3K Wiki. Trailer. UnMSTed.
Adam talks about The Mask on A Part Of Our Scare-itage. Check it out!
The poster for The Horror of Party Beach.
Our episodes on Catalina Caper and Village of the Giants.
Trailer for I Drink Your Blood/I Eat Your Skin. [Kinda gross, be warned!]
The Del-Aires: Zombie Stomp [or stream it].
Lou Reed: Metal Machine Music.
Zeitkratzer: Metal Machine Music.
Waiting for Godot with Robin Williams and Steve Martin.
The Anthology of American Folk Music [including Harry Smith’s amazing liner notes].
Buell Kazee: The Wagoner’s Lad.
Joen Baez: The Wagoner’s Lad.
The Kossoy Sisters: The Wagoner’s Lad.
Some of the origins of the concept of “folk music”.
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