Episode 129
March 20, 2023
Encyclopedia Mouthfeel
MST3K 820 • Space Mutiny
Hosted by Chris Piuma and Charlotte Wells
Space Mutiny throws Chris Hardcheese and Charlotte Manmuscle over a railing while they talk about Battlestar Galactica, Captain America, Jane Fonda, Annie Sprinkle, and body positivity.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-129-space-mutiny.png)
Show Notes.
Space Mutiny: MST3K Wiki. IMDB. Trailer.
Season 13 on Pluto! (But not in Canada, it seems.)
And the announcement for Season 13 on Pluto.
The nicknames for Dave “Blast Thickneck” Ryder.
David Winters’ obituary.
Our episodes on Kitten with a Whip and Starcrash.
The Bad Movie Bible on Space Mutiny. There are even more great details in this video we didn’t include in the episode.
Yor, The Hunter from the Future.
“Ancient Chinese secret”? Calgon, take me away!
Chambers’ Cyclopædia on chess.
Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopédie on chess (échecs).
An article from Vogue about Jane Fonda’s Workout.
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