Episode 135
June 25, 2023
A Way to Be a Bad Guy Biker
MST3K 202 • The Sidehackers
Hosted by Chris Piuma and Charlotte Wells
The Sidehackers (or is it The Side Hackers?) revs its engines real loud and makes it hard for Chris and Charlotte to talk about sexual violence, friendly bikers, unfriendly bikers, sidehacking, and Rommel’s book.
cw: This is a heavy episode, and we talk about sexual violence (including a discussion about the notorious scene that was edited out of the movie) as well as other histories of violence.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-135-the-sidehackers.png)
Show Notes.
The Sidehackers: MST3K Wiki. IMDb.
MST3Kon is July 16, as part of Blobfest!
Our episode on Cave Dwellers.
Frank Rooney: Cyclists’ Raid. [Subscription required to get it from the official source.]
A Timeline of the Hells Angels (as of 2013).
On bikers and other counterculture groups.
The Altamont Speedway Free Concert.
The Southern California Side Hack Association.
A 1972 article about sidehacking.
Why are sidecars called “hacks”?
Sidecar Racers Association (of Canada).
The New Life Sings The Sidehackers. [cw: At least one song title is, uh, problematic.]
A supercut of all the scenes you care about from a 1975 Ross Hagen film with a fun name.
Erwin Rommel: Infantry Attacks and Tank Attacks.
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