Episode 14
September 27, 2017
Donald Pleasence Was a Total Scamp
MST3K 501 • Warrior of the Lost World
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Beth Martin
Join us in celebrating Donald Pleasence Day , as Warrior of the Lost World mumbles at Beth and Adam to discuss Star Trek: The Motion Picture’s Lt. Illia, Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Counselor Troi, Star Trek: The Original Series’ Kirok, Star Trek: The Original Lyricist’s Gene Roddenberry, and The Paper Chase: The TV Series: Season 1’s Robert Ginty.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-14-warrior-of-the-lost-world.png)
Show Notes.
Warrior of the Lost World: IMDB. MST3K Wiki.
Happy birthday, Donald Pleasence!
2019: After the Fall of New York.
An overview of Donald Pleasence’s career.
Scouse the Mouse. [Sample track.]
Pride of India. [A review.]
The Paper Chase Guy in White Fire, Mission Kill, and the Exterminator films.
Gerreta Gerreta: IMDB. Twitter.
Ken Nordine and the Video Toaster. [Thanks, Kirok!]
Every article on Valley Girl talk uses the same photo from Clueless.
This American Life on vocal fry.
A bonus bit, about a Donald Pleasance public service announcement, is available as a thank you to our Patreons.