Episode 19
December 24, 2017
Money and Weapons
MST3K 521 • Santa Claus
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Beth Martin
Ho ho ho! Santa Claus gathers Beth and Adam by the yule log to discuss all things Christmas, like Citizen Kane, Batman, Pee-wee’s Playhouse, Home Alone, and Hellraiser.
Have a merry happy, everyone, whatever you do or don’t celebrate!
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-19-santa-claus.png)
Show Notes.
Santa Claus: IMDB. MST3K Wiki. UnMSTed: English. Español.
99% Invisible: The Nut Behind The Wheel.
Patreon apologized and are not going ahead with their get-rich-quick scheme.
So you can give It’s Just A Show the greatest gift of all: Patronage.
Santa Claus (1985) with Dudley Moore and John Lithgow: Trailer.
Foux Du Fafa a.k.a. Foux Da Fa Fa.
1000 Misspent Hours reviews Santa Claus (1959).
Quetzalcoatl replacing Santa “did not take”.
Q, The Winged Serpent: Trailer.
The Simpsons get a [big, ugly] head in Blood Feud, not Rosebud.
René Cardona’s Tom Thumb.
John Carpenter’s They Live: Trailer [featuring Roddy Piper’s famous “all outta bubblegum”].
Roger Ebert vs Ted Danson in blackface.
O. Henry’s Gift Of The Magi.
Hermey and Yukon Cornelius.
Moon shoes commercial.
Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab with natural Uranium [do not ingest].
Alexander Litvinenko profile.
k.d. lang serenades Pee-wee Herman with Jingle Bell Rock on the Pee-wee’s Playhouse Christmas Special.
The Home Alone house has been sold!
Roberts Blossom obituary.
A bonus bit with lots of extra Christmas content is available as a thank you to our Patreon supporters.