Episode 22
February 14, 2018
Respective Blowhole
MST3K 801 • Revenge of the Creature
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Beth Martin
Revenge of the Creature tries to steal Beth and Adam's hearts with talk of Gill-Man, Guillermo del Toro–Man, Marineland-Man, Henry Mancini-Man, and a new Crow-Man T. Robot-Man.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-22-revenge-of-the-creature.png)
Show Notes.
Revenge of the Creature: IMDB. MST3K Wiki.
Behind the scenes of Godzilla vs. Biollante.
The 90s Gamera trilogy.
Adam's Gill-Man t-shirt and poster.
Revenge of the Creature on TV Tropes.
On turn-of-the-century racism.
IJAS 1 on Rocketship X-M.
Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick on homosocial love triangles.
Dracula’s Daughter and lesbians.
The woman who had a chimpanzee for a “pet”.
More on Pavlovian conditioning.
The Creature Chronicles: Exploring the Black Lagoon Trilogy.
Clint Eastwood posters in Back to the Future III.
Devo: New Traditionalists.
Metaluna Mutant scored with the Gill-Man theme.
IJAS on episodes that introduce new stuff: 101, 201, 513, and 1101.
A NSFW bonus bit is available as a thank you to our Patreon supporters.