Episode 23
February 26, 2018
You’ve Got to Kill a Man
MST3K 802 • The Leech Woman
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Beth Martin
The Leech Woman picks Beth and Adam’s brains about lecherous men, older women, alcoholics, unpleasant co-workers, and anything but leeches.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-23-the-leech-woman.png)
Show Notes.
The Leech Woman: IMDB. MST3K Wiki. Trailer.
The Jack Arnold story comes from The Creature Chronicles: Exploring the Black Lagoon Trilogy.
The Creature Walks Among Us [Gill-Man, part 3].
Rake joke. [See also IJAS 7, on It Conquered the World.]
Adrienne Barbeau is a delight.
Sextette [trailer].
Two theories on the [unclear] origin of the phrase “old bag”.
IJAS 12p, our bonus bit on quicksand, exclusively for our Patreon supporters.
Irene Ryan [NYTimes obituary].
Daktari Stool, then and now.
Congo [trailer].
Review of a recent production of Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, discussing the play, its importance, and how it’s been overshadowed by the film version.
Foster Brooks’s act as a comical drunk.
Frank on the Mental Illness Happy Hour, episode 21.
You’re Not Funny 7. Booze and Drugs.
A bonus bit with so, so many Leech Facts™ is available as a thank you to our Patreon supporters.