Episode 3
April 11, 2017
Love Letter to Suburbia
MST3K 404 • Teenagers from Outer Space
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Beth Martin
Teenagers from Outer Space compels Beth and Adam to discuss boss rockets, boy movies, sex shooters, sex robots, and small-town paranoia.
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/itsjustashow/episode/s/itsjustashow-3-teenagers-from-outer-space.png)
Show Notes.
Teenagers from Outer Space: IMDB. MST3K Wiki. UnMSTed. iTunes.
Listener mail can bowl you over.
I'm a sex shooter...
Laerdal, Annie-facturers.
My Sex Robot: Review. Preview.
Cambot, the creepy (KTMA) days. [More.]
Listener Tim found the General Cinema movie bumper! Thanks, Tim.