Bonus Episode 7b
June 21, 2017
Tom Servo’s a Dalek
Hosted by Adam Clarke and Beth Martin
Please stay on the line. Adam and Beth will be with you shortly. In the meantime, here is some bonus material trimmed from previous episodes: Adam West, bad movies, Canada (again), the weirdest thing to ever air on PBS, and (occasionally) MST3K. Enjoy, and/or wait until we're back in two weeks with a regular episode!
![[Episode artwork]](/images/podcast/art/s/itsjustashow.png)
Show Notes.
Daleks in flight, afternoon delight.
Max Headroom from Shout!
George R.R. Martin talks about his unfilmed Max Headroom scripts on his LiveJournal.
The Headroom Incident itself, remastered. [NSFW.]
On the Super Mario movie [and Max Headroom].
Super Mario Bros.: The Movie trailer.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III trailer.
Little Mermaid transformation.
Grey Gardens. [Trailer.]
Rufus Wainwright: "Grey Gardens". [Album.]